by chris marano | Jun 1, 2016 | Chinese Herbal Medicine
Pursuing a Long-time Passion Chinese herbs are a passion of mine, dating back before I even knew I wanted to be an herbalist. Between 1979 and 2001, whenever I visited the Chan Center, the part-time home to my most influential teacher, Buddhist master and scholar...
by chris marano | May 19, 2016 | Medicinal Herbs, Western Herbal Medicine, Wildcrafting
Herb Walks in Western Massachusetts Clearpath Herbals and Local Harmony kick continue our series of nature and herb walks in western Massachusetts Friday, July 29, from 3pm-6PM. Owen Wormser and I invite you to join us for a unique series of walks along the trails of...
by chris marano | May 18, 2016 | Medicinal Herbs, Western Herbal Medicine
by Owen Wormser Plant Medicine and Nature Walk at Mt. Toby: Herb Lore and Sensory Awareness Skills This coming Sunday, May 22, Chris Marano of Clearpath Herbals and I are teaming up to lead the first in a series of four herb walks at Mt. Toby in Leverett, MA. On our...
by chris marano | May 7, 2016 | Herbal Medicine Gardens
An Herbal Medicine Garden in the Pioneer Valley Unbelievable! It was ten-plus years ago that two of my herb students, fresh out of UMass, convinced me and then helped me to design and create Clearpath Herbals medicine gardens. That was Emily French, now of Sweetgrass...
by chris marano | Apr 11, 2016 | Medicinal Herbs
Many Hands Herbal Medicine Making Another day in the life of an herbalist. Students/staff Gina S, Lilly D, and Chris S are joined by a couple of Gina’s family members at my house to garble and process a couple of root herbs that we had harvested from Clearpath...