Clearpath Herbals News

Understanding Motherwort Benefits for Helping the Emotional Heart

Understanding Motherwort Benefits for Helping the Emotional Heart

Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) is perhaps one of the most versatile medicines. In herbal medicine, we speak about plant medicines that are connector herbs, helping to connect the herbal formula together because they go to so many places in our physiology. This helps the formula come together as a whole to move to these different locations. Motherwort benefits are significant. It is working primarily through the nervous system as an antispasmodic and an antianxiety herb, but it’s also working very much through the liver and gallbladder. In Chinese medicine, the liver and gallbladder have a lot of say over constraint and constriction held anywhere in the body causing tension, anxiety and irritation.

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Herbs and Recommendations for Winter Restoration

Herbs and Recommendations for Winter Restoration

Deep winter is here. Most of us know – somewhere in the back of our heads – that winter is a time for more rest, a time to restore. This is sage advice no matter what year it is. But 2020 has been no ordinary year. The world situation is tumultuous, the US even more so. Political polarization has raised anxiety, anger and sadness levels to new highs, and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. And then there is COVID.

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