
I think that you are probably one of the best herbal teachers I have ever listened to and learned from. You have an easy and gentle way of drawing people in and an incredible wealth of knowledge when it comes to herbal medicine. You are also very skilled at reading and understanding people. I think that attributes to your being such a natural healer.

Lesley Wooler

President, NEHA (Northeast Herbal Association), proprietor of Herbwyfe

Chris Marano is a rare healer with a heart. Combining both a tremendous background in herbal medicine with an extensive decades-long practice of Buddhist meditation, Chris brings sensitivity, clarity and compassion to his work with patients and students. Not every person truly loves what they do, but Chris does. This translates into long hours spent perfecting effective remedies, years of cultivating medicinal plants in his own gardens, and an aggressive teaching schedule that enables him to deliver an inspired message of healing and hope to large numbers of people. If we had more healers like Chris Marano, the world would be a far better place. He’s one of the good guys.

Chris Kilham

Medicinal Plant Program, University of Massachusetts

I first contacted Chris for an herbal remedy to replace a harsher prescription drug designed for men’s issues. During Chris’ intake time, I became clear that the man before me was far more than just an herbalist. His listening skills, intuitive sense and the depth and breadth of his knowledge quickly became apparent. While I was asking for and receiving support on a specific challenge, Chris was assessing all of me. His “wholeness” approach brought up other, interrelated aspects of me that in the end, proved critical for transforming these other areas of my life.
Jim H.

Business Coach, Counselor, Northampton, MA

As an allopathic physician, it has been enlightening and inspiring to be exposed to Chris Marano’s healing knowledge. I have been impressed by the breadth of his knowledge, and encouraged by the tremendous applicability of his work to the more traditional “Western” medical approach. I consider myself privileged to be his friend and colleague.
Dr. P. Watson, MD.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Chris Marano has been my teacher for over a decade. His superior knowledge of the herbal world, the human body, and how to maintain its health through the use of herbs and other non-invasive practices is only matched by his superior skills as a teacher. He knows how to bring out the best in every one of his students. A testament to that is the number of his students who after studying and apprenticing with him have gone on to begin their own professional work with herbs, either as clinical herbalists, growers, or, as Chris himself is, both.  If you have ever walked through a field of flowers or admired the green of a particular shrub and wondered what else the plants could do besides attract your attention with their beauty, please consider enrolling in a class with Chris at Clearpath Herbals and find out how to turn plants into healing medicine with the best teacher I know.

Rosie Pearson

Reiki Master Teacher, Freelance Editor, Northampton, MA

Chris Marano, AHG, is a graduate of my Herbal Therapeutics School of Botanical Medicine. Now with over fifteen years of practice, Chris Marano has become a superb clinical herbalist. His diverse training, knowledge based on experience, and background in education also make Chris an excellent teacher, writer, and communicator on the topic of herbal medicine.

David Winston, RH(AHG)

Herbalist, Teacher, Author, Washington, NJ, Center for Herbal Studies

I have known Chris Marano for many years. I love Chris for his creativity, his caring nature and his keen intelligence. He has a way of seeing right into the heart of an issue and usually in a way that most would not even be able to consider. Chris puts everything he has into all he does and is a person who can make things happen. His warm and humorous demeanor make him easy to approach and a pleasure to be with, share health ideas with, and learn from.
Steve G., O.D.

Philadelphia, PA

Chris’s compassionate nature and wonderful sense of humor, attention to detail and ability to improvise are a few of his qualities that make him a true ‘people person.’ He delights in relating with others, and has developed the fine skill of listening to the words of others, and what lies between and under those words. His attention to detail and critical eye (and ear) for truth guide his case-taking skills when working with clients. He has become the community herbalist of his area, and I refer people to him for herbal consultations and herbal formulations frequently. 

I know that the herbs he has prepared and carries in his office are of the highest quality. I know Chris’s many years of meditation and spiritual practice have brought him a deeper awareness of self and other, of the interconnectedness of all beings, honor and respect for Nature and deep soul connection with all of life. This underlying gift touches the medicines that fill the shelves in his office, the creative writings he shares of herbal ways, in consultations he does with others, and in the fullness of his days working for healing self, other and community on all levels!

Kate Gilday

Herbalist and Co-founder, Woodland Essence, Adirondacks, New York

Chris digs deep into the earth for healing roots,and deep into his own heart for the wisdom and understanding needed to truly help others.
Gaella E.

owner South River Miso, Conway, MA

I have used Chris as my main source of medical care for many years. He has helped me with a wide variety of health issues, both chronic and acute in nature, ranging from chronic respiratory to digestive, often times helping me with health issues that baffled other more conventional medical practitioners. As a meditation teacher of vipassana since 1985, I can say Chris works in keeping with the nature of things. . . He induces the body to heal itself. I recommend Chris highly and with no reservation.
Susan A.

psychologist, NYC, NY

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