Cultivating the Healer Within: A diverse and comprehensive set of theory and skills to help better understand humans and herbs. Cultivating tools, awareness skills, theoretical and hands-on learning, and different lenses for understanding, integrating, balancing and healing ourselves, and in so doing, building a solid foundation upon which to help others to do the same.
All Herbalist Training Classes in Western Massachusetts

Note: All First-Level courses are available to the general public First Level Certificate Program Requirements: Students following the certificate program track must successfully complete the following courses to become eligible to move on to the Second Level:
Level 1 Curriculum | Cultivating the Healer Within
Foundations of Chinese Herbal Medicine:
This course explores the foundations of Chinese Herbal Medicine, making it accessible and practical for anyone interested in human health, and providing participants with the foundations necessary to move on to more advanced knowledge in the areas of herbalism and holistic healing. Indoor course offered in the spring (Ten Wednesday classes, 5:30-9:30PM).
Foundations of Western Herbal Medicine:
This course both honors and interweaves the long-evolving healing traditions of Native American medicine and European-based herbal medicine with the goal of developing strong herbal practices. Indoor course offered in the fall (Ten Wednesday classes, 5:30-9:30PM).
Materia Medica:
Discover a wide array of medicinal herbal knowledge through Western and Asian herbal traditions, traditional and modern uses, scientific and folkloric wisdom. Indoor course offered four times per year (Three classes, Wed. 5:30-8:30PM). Certificate students must complete four units.
Opening to the Wisdom of the Plant World: An Indigenous Language of Plants
This two-part experiential outdoor course helps us learn and remember skills that bring us into greater connection and communication with the plant world. Participants will gain a set of tools and the confidence to deepen their innate intelligence and continue the valuable exploration of plant attunement. (Outdoor two-class course offered in the summer).
Wildcrafting Immersion:
For a morning or afternoon, join a team of herbalists in action, directly experiencing what wildcrafters do and how they do it. Herbalist Chris Marano and the Clearpath Herbals crew invite you to participate in this experiential wildcrafting wisdom immersion — learning, working, having fun, engaging in a valuable community service, side-by-side with those who do it every day.Students must participate regularly during the wildcrafting season. (Outdoor and ongoing from April to November)
Seasonal Habitat, Herb & Sensory Awareness Walks:
The walks are geared toward understanding plants in their natural environments, each one focusing on a different season, each one focusing on one or two ecosystems. Students must attend at least half of the scheduled walks. (Outdoor Classes).
Plant Attunement:
This class is an invitation to students who wish to deepen their connection with plants, through individual and shared experience, interacting in a safe container with committed students of herbalism. During each class we will attune with two plants and share our experiences as a group. Students must attend at least half of the yearly scheduled classes. (Outdoor and indoor class offered once per month)
Clearpath Gardens:
The gardens are, and always will be, a work in progress. The plants let us know if they are happy or not, and we are always experimenting with new arrivals using environmentally sound and sustainable methods. And, along with a good number of wildcrafted herbs, the plant medicines from our gardens make up a large part of the Clearpath Herbals’ apothecary. Students must regularly attend group garden work day during the growing season (April-October).
Herbal Preparations:
Students must complete two herbal preparations classes. (Indoor half-day classes)