New Interview with MysticMag
If you would like to learn more about herbalism, visit the MysticMag website and read the interview entitled, "Let The Nature Heal You - With Chris Marano".
Bacopa Benefits Target Mental Dullness and Cognitive Difficulties
Bacopa benefits an array of organ systems, including an affinity for supporting the nervous system and cognitive functioning. Learn about bacopa uses here.
Schisandra Benefits for Supporting Human Health are Wide Ranging
Schisandra benefits are significant and wide ranging. Today we look at schisandra benefits to the Chinese kidneys, immune system, and nervous system.
Mimosa Herb Benefits: From Bones to Broken Hearts & So Much More
As a child growing up in North Jersey, spotting the occasional mimosa tree always felt like I had been transported momentarily to an exotic land. Learn about the diverse mimosa herb benefits in this article now.
Understanding Motherwort Benefits for Helping the Emotional Heart
Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) is perhaps one of the most versatile medicines. In herbal medicine, we speak about plant medicines that are connector herbs, helping to connect the herbal formula together because they go to so many places in our physiology. This helps the formula come together as a whole to move to these different locations. Motherwort benefits are significant. It is working primarily through the nervous system as an antispasmodic and an antianxiety herb, but it’s also working very much through the liver and gallbladder. In Chinese medicine, the liver and gallbladder have a lot of say over constraint and constriction held anywhere in the body causing tension, anxiety and irritation.
What Herbs are Good for the Liver? Herbs Found in North America
What herbs are good for the liver? There are many, but today we are looking at some herbs for the liver that can be found or grown in North America Today we are talking about herbs that are good for the liver. There are many. The liver is a large and complex organ...
Learn About the Most Powerful Immune-Boosting Herbs
Discover various organ systems and their role within the immune system, in addition to some of the most powerful immune-boosting herbs
Understanding Alterative and Blood Cleansing Herbs
Blood cleansing herbs and alterative herbs impact a variety of eliminatory organ systems which are discussed in this article We're talking about blood cleansing herbs and alterative herbs, which help keep blood and lymph clean and clear from the build-up of toxins...
Herbs and Recommendations for Winter Restoration
Deep winter is here. Most of us know – somewhere in the back of our heads – that winter is a time for more rest, a time to restore. This is sage advice no matter what year it is. But 2020 has been no ordinary year. The world situation is tumultuous, the US even more so. Political polarization has raised anxiety, anger and sadness levels to new highs, and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. And then there is COVID.
Discover the Best Herbs for Inflammation within Various Organ Systems
Learn about some of the best herbs for inflammation by the organ system they work best for